Casey Jones, Me & My Uncle, Easy Wind, Cumberland Blues-> China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, High Time, Next Time You See Me, Mama Tried, Big Boss Man, Cosmic Charlie, Dire Wolf, Cold Rain & Snow,
SBD cassette master > PCM > CDR > iMac > SHN; shntool-fixed version of previous shn set via Nathan Scott, fixed separately by disc; alternate fix (as whole set) also circulates with slight difference
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November 16, 2010 Subject:
Washington's teeth
Its funny that when Bobby says Washington's teeth were wooden, PigPen yells out that they were made of hippo teeth, which is correct (hippo ivory, technically). Fairly sloppy show with lots of feedback issues and muddy sound.
Reviewer:okla freebird
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November 15, 2005 Subject:
Bobby explains wooden teeth
Priceless. Remembering that this was recorded back in 69, back before digital music one can't expect perfection, but this is pretty darn good for a classic.
Reviewer:dirty jev-o
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February 5, 2005 Subject:
band on...
recording not....very quiet but well represented show -- not really worth it though oh well